Learning At Home
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Absence: What do I do when my child is absent from school?
Call the school secretary at your child’s school. Tell her your child’s name, that they attend Pre-K, and the name of their teacher.
Q. Allergies: What do I do if my child has allergies?
Please inform the teacher and school nurse about any allergies at all (food or otherwise) so that they can be prepared for your child. Also inform them if your child takes any special medicine regularly. Medicine must be in the original bottle, have the child’s name on it and the dosage.
Q. Class Parties: When I come to class parties may I bring my younger child(ren)?
The policy of the elementary schools is that young children should not be brought to school for parties or any extended period of time. Safety is a concern because school buildings are not set up for little ones. Preschool classrooms are very tempting to little ones and it is difficult to enjoy the experience with your preschool child if you are also watching a younger sibling.
Q. Continued Pre-K Attendance: Will my child continue in the F.A.C.E.S. Pre-K program next year?
Once children are accepted into the F.A.C.E.S program, they remain in Pre-K except for the following reasons: they turn five and are eligible for kindergarten, (this does not include children in Early Childhood classes); the family did not participate in at least two Family Fun Nights during the year.
Q. Health Forms: When do my child’s health forms (physical, immunization form, dental record) have to be turned in?
The deadline for health forms this year is 30 days from the first day of school. If forms aren’t turned in by that date, children will have to stay home from school until the forms are returned. Health forms are turned in to the school secretary.
Q. Medicine: What do I do if my child takes medicine regularly?
You must talk to the school nurse and your child’s teacher about any medicines that your child takes. Medicine must be in the original bottle, have the child’s name on it and the dosage clearly marked.
Q. Parent Classes: Why are parent classes encouraged?
Research shows, and we believe, that parent involvement is the single most important influence on a child’s educational experience. When young children see their parents go to school, they know school must be important.
Classes cover important educational issues like phonemic awareness (reading) and the assessment of skill development as well as parenting issues like discipline and sibling rivalry. Learning about early development, early education, and what is happening in your child’s world helps in the most important job you’ll ever have—being a parent.
Q. Parking: Where should I park when dropping off and picking up my child?
You may park in the visitor parking lot at each school. You may not park in the bus lane or handicap spots. These are different at each school and are marked appropriately.
Q. School Schedule: How do I know when school is in session?
School is in session when the district schools are in session. If the schools are closed, preschool classes are cancelled also.
Q. Snacks: Do I provide snack for my child’s class?
No. Snacks are provided by the school cafeterias and are paid for through the Pre-K grant.
Web Links for Parents
The American Academy of Pediatrics - www.aap.org
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning www.csefel.uiuc.edu
The Child & Family Web guide - www.cfw.tufts.edu
The Children’s Book Council - www.cbc.org
Children’s Literature - www.childrenslit.com
The Circle of Inclusion - www.isbe.net/earlychi/html/resources.htm
The CLAS Early Childhood Research Institute - http://clas.uiuc.edu
The Division of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children www.dec-sped.org
The Early Childhood Educators’ and Family Web Corner http://users.stargate.net/~cokids
The Educators’ Reference Desk - www.eduref.org
The Gateway to Educational Materials - www.thegateway.org
The Idea Box - www.theideabox.com
The Illinois State Board of Education Early Childhood Site www.isbe.net/earlychi/default.htm
The Illinois Department of Human Services Early Intervention Site www.state.il.us/agency/dhs/earlyint/earlyint.html
The Illinois Early Learning Web Site - www.ilinoisearlylearning.org
Kids Health - www.kidshealth.org/parent
Mommy and Me - www.mommyandme.com
The National Association for the Education of Young Children - www.naeyc.org
The Ounce of Prevention Fund - www.ounceofprevention.org
PBS Parents - www.perpetualpreschool.com
Parenting? Find it here at - www.nppsis.org
Parenting Guides - www.education.pitt.edu/ocd/family/parentingguides.asp
The Parents As Teachers National Center - www.parentsasteachers.org
The Partnership for Reading - www.nifl.gov/partnershipforreading.com
Perpetual Preschool - www.perpetualpreschool.com
Preschool Rainbow - www.preschoolrainbow.com
Reading Rockets - www.readingrockets.org
Voices for Illinois Children - www.voices4kids.org
Zero to Three - www.zerotothree.org
STAR NET - roe.stclair.k12.il.us/starnet
Illinois Parents - www.illinoisparents.org