Developmental Screenings
What Are Developmental Screenings?
The F.A.C.E.S. staff offers monthly developmental screenings for three and four year olds during the school year. A screening is a developmental “checkup” for your child. At the screening, your child will be involved in structured play activities with a teacher and three other children. As he or she plays, your child will be observed by child development professionals in the areas of basic concepts, motor skills, and speech and language skills. While you are watching your child’s group play, a parent educator will talk to you about your child’s skills and habits. Parents are asked to bring the parent information form with them to the screening and copies of any early intervention service plan records, medical or therapy reports or any relevant records.
The child development team will discuss their observations at the end of the session. Results will be discussed with you privately before you leave. You will also be given information about any programs or services for which your child may be eligible.
To make an appointment for a developmental screening for your child, call 692-1222 after August 1.